Capacity Development for Clean Development Mechanism (CD4CDM)

(Establishing GhG Emission Reduction Projects that are Consistent with National Development Plans)


  • To improve CDM capacity at various levels in Ghana through workshops and real project development
  • To market Ghana internationally as a CDM project destination by making the CDM approval process transparent
  • To develop the necessary institutional and human capabilities that allows countries to formulate and implement projects under the CDM


  • Identify and develop a portfolio of CDM projects in Ghana
  • Assist South South North (SSN) in issuing a Request for Submission of Project Identification Notes(PINs) and assist in the design of a set of criteria for PIN approval
  • Assist SSN in review of submitted PINs to select the eight PINs to be rewarded
  • Organize and contribute to the four national workshops and other smaller-scale workshops implemented under the project
  • Assist SSN in selecting two PINs to be developed into Project Design Documents(PDDs)
  • Develop, in cooperation with SSN, a Sustainable Development Criteria for Ghana’s Designated National Authority’s (DNA’s) project approval process
  • Design and maintain a CDM/climate change website for Ghana
  • In cooperation with SSN, produce a CDM Investors Guide for Ghana


  • Capacity of 92 professionals built
  • A CDM Investors’ Guide developed for Ghana
  • Sustainable Development Criteria for CDM project evaluation in Ghana developed
  • Five CDM project PINs developed
  • Draft national project approval process developed
  • CDM website developed for hosting on DNA website


  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Energy Commission
  • Ministry of Energy
  • Policy Makers
  • Ghana Investment Promotion Centre


  • Private Sector Developers
  • Professional organisations with an interest in CDM and climate change
  • Bankers and Investors

UNEP Risoe Center (URC)

August 2005 – February 2007