About Us
About us
A wholly Ghanaian Not-for-Profit development organisation and a leading actor in the Energy, Technology and Environment sectors in Ghana and the West Africa Sub-Region. KITE is a company limited by guarantee. Since its inception in 1996, KITE has built a unique capacity in the development and implementation of public benefit projects. KITE is the product of extensive capacity that has been built through a broad range of project and program experiences, partnerships with key national and international actors and the development of efficient internal management, governance and reporting capabilities. Our activities cover all the ten regions of Ghana from two operational offices – Accra and Kumasi. KITE also works extensively in the ECOWAS sub-region

A Ghana and an Africa where sustainable energy and appropriate technologies are accessible to all for accelerated growth and development.
Our Core Values
- innovation
- Collaboration
- team work
- professionalism,
- Excellence
- personal development
Our Mission
An organization of innovative local and international professionals promoting access to sustainable energy, environmental and technological services for the benefit of Africa’s poor through capacity building, research, policy advocacy, project development and implementation.
Our Goal
To promote the effective supply and use of renewable and non-renewable energy resources for enhanced sustainability and productivity to accelerate the achievement of the MDGs and steady economic growth.[/vc_column_text]
- Build a robust and financially sustainable organization, which is staffed with a team of highly motivated and competent personnel and equipped with necessary physical and knowledge resources to carry out its mandate in the energy, environment and technology sectors.
- To reduce by at least 10% the number of households and businesses without access to sustainable energy products and services in off-grid rural and peri-urban areas in Ghana by 2018.
- To facilitate targeted diffusion and deployment of ICTs and ICT-enabled services in 200 rural and peri-urban communities for improved service delivery and accelerated development by 2018.
- Promote the adoption and implementation of social and economic development interventions that simultaneously incorporate strategies that lower GHG emissions as well as help build resilience of the vulnerable while drawing on opportunities presented by climate change.
- To improve the technical competencies and financial capabilities within KITE so as to conduct robust research leading to the generation of topically relevant and high-quality evidence to underpin policy and practice in the EET sectors.
- Increase and deepen transparency, accountability and public participation in the governance processes and practices of Ghana’s energy sector.